About Kindwood.

Hi my name is Allen Kind, and Kindwood is my dream

I am sole owner of this Mode of Production, which is at this time from harvest to finished product pre packaging and with it, over the years I have been able to harvest or salvage all the raw material to make the many little treasures you see now at Kindwood Gallery.  For instance; The Spalted Holley is about twenty years past It's harvest date. It is because of my collection of these many chunks of wood that I have been able to feed another addiction; What is on the inside and why does it  very so much in density, color, direction of growth, are questions I ask each time I look into a piece of wood. Now when I say look, I mean with a band-saw like an MRI is used by a doctor to discover that which is hidden from the eye. 

This question first came to me when as a child in the 60s. I lived with my family in northern British Columbia where we were surrounded by old growth forest. This was my playground where I found that if the felled tree was down long enough, usually many years, I would be able to pull on what ever was left of a branch and mercilessly dissect the rotting structure of the entire Tree. Density was the variable I studied then, finding many similar structures that would hold together  within the many procedures in those early years. 

In building on this foundation I continue to look to sustainable harvesting, or salvage for as much of the wood as I need. Now I do not pull on the branch but look around it in it's early years. The band-saw helps me see what is hidden without failing to amaze. And It is with these MRI like slices displaying the Tree's inner beauty that I have built many of the pieces You see in The Gallery today.

 As a minimalist I have aimed to expose as much of the woods inner shape that, over time, have lead to what is the natural or live edge today. It is in effect reading the wood as it aged.